Thursday 14 June 2018 - 18:00
LG Convention Hall, International Education Building, Ewha Womans University, Seoul

BBC World Questions: Seoul has been aired on 17 June and now available on BBC World Service English.

As the world's attention turns to high level diplomacy between North Korea and the USA, what are the feelings of the people with the most at stake? BBC World Questions is in Seoul, the capital of the Republic of Korea to debate the future of a people divided with an audience made up of those at the heart of this story. The BBC's Jonny Dymond is joined by a panel of leading politicians and thinkers to debate questions from the public in Seoul and explore whether the peninsula is on the verge of real and lasting peace.

Will recent events lead to a Korean Peninsula without nuclear weapons? Will they bring peace after more than half a century of tension and conflict? Until very recently, these all seemed distant prospects for the people of the Republic of Korea. Although there has been excitement over the summit plans (once cancelled but now apparently back on track), not everyone thinks engaging with Kim Jong-un is a good idea. Is North Korea itself playing a dangerous game? Is President Trump’s assertive diplomacy adding to prospects for peace or ignoring dangerous realities? And what of domestic issues in the Republic of Korea?

Join the BBC World Questions at Ewha Womans University, and as the world discusses the outcome of the latest summit, have your say in a debate that will be heard around the world.

The panel will include: 

  • Moon Chung-in: Special Advisor to President Moon Jae-in for Foreign Affairs and National Security. Distinguished University Professor of Yonsei University
  • Sohn Jie-Ae: Former Bureau Chief for CNN Seoul, currently Invited Professor in International Studies at Ewha Womans University
  • Kim Jiyoon: Senior Research Fellow at the Asan Institute for Policy Studies
  • General Hwang Jin Ha: Former Chair of the National Defence Committee, National Assembly. Trustee of the Korea America Friendship Society

The programme will be recorded at LG Convention Hall, International Education Building, Ewha Womans University on 14 June. Registration will open at 17.45, with the event commencing at 18.00. The evening will consist of a drinks reception, an artistic performance and the debate in English. The guests are kindly requested to arrive on time. For organisational reasons we cannot guarantee entry after 18.45.

BBC World Questions is a series of events delivered in partnership with the British Council.

As a cultural relations and educational organisation and partner of the BBC World Service, the British Council helps to enable a platform where the general public can join a democratic debate on a global forum.

BBC World Service delivers news content around the world in English and 28 other language services, on radio, TV and digital, reaching a weekly audience of 246 million. As part of BBC World Service, BBC Learning English teaches English to global audiences. The BBC attracts a weekly global news audience of 320 million people to its international news services including BBC World Service, BBC World News television channel and

Admission is free, but online registration  is required. Whilst we hope to accommodate everyone, please arrive in good time to be sure of a seat.

Links to some of the previous broadcasts