2014년 04월 04일 (금)
하나글로벌뱅킹센터 2 층, 컨퍼런스룸

영국대학의 교수가 직접 방한하여 진행하는 주한영국문화원의 '영국대학강의'에 참석하여 영국 유명 교수의 강의를 한국에서 체험하세요! 

오는 4월 4일 티사이드 대학교마틴 파우트 교수가 방한하여 '지속가능한 디자인(Sustainable Design)' 이라는 주제로 영국대학강의를 진행합니다. 디자인 분야에 관심 있는 분들에게 매우 유용한 시간이 될 이번 영국대학강의에 많은 참여 부탁드립니다. 사전 예약을 잊지 마세요!

강의 소개

지속가능한 디자인 Sustainable Design

In 1880 William Morris stated “Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful”. In 2014 this statement has never been so true or so important. In today’s consumer age we find ourselves in a world of over packaged, resource intensive, disposable products that clutter our lives and destroy the planet. In this lecture, we will examine the concept of sustainable design, why we need to have sustainable design and what we as designers can do to be sustainable. 

교수 약력 

Martin Pout is currently Assistant Dean of the School of Arts and Media, Teesside University in England. Teesside University is a former winner of Times Higher Education University of the Year Award in 2009/10, as well as being recently awarded the Queen’s Anniversary Prize for higher education 2013. The School of Arts and Media includes a diverse range of course within Art, Design, Performing Arts and Humanities. Graduates of the School include Marek Reichman who is the Design Director of Aston Martin Lagonda; and who designed James Bond’s Aston Martin in the last three James Bond films. And Dan Walker, a concept artist for the film industry who has designed many of the vehicles and sets on some of the world’s most famous Hollywood films, including the iconic Batmobile in Batman Begins and The Dark Knight. 

Martin’s role as Assistant Dean sees him overview a wide range of areas including widening participation in education and international developments. He is a physiologist who has applied his knowledge and research on a wide range of projects including the design of functional clothing, sporting equipment and retail equipment. As part of his role, Martin also travels frequently to other countries to deliver guest lectures and shares his knowledge and expertise with students in different countries. Martin is always at the forefront of design trends and loves sharing these with his students.

학교 소개 

Teesside University is situated at Middlesbrough, North East of England. It is a Modern University with more than 80 years of history and tradition. Our excellent teaching facilities, comprehensive student support services and continued investment in our campus is well known in the UK education circuit. We placed huge importance in the overall quality of our student experience and learning outcome so that our students will gain the necessary knowledge and expertise to flourish in their chosen profession! Nearly 30,000 students are currently studying at Teesside on a range of courses with approximately 1,200 international students.

Teesside University was THE University of the Year 2009/10, awarded by Times Higher Education and in 2014, we were awarded the Queen’s Anniversary Prize for Higher and Further Education. 

We offer free Meet and Greet service to international students from around the world at Durham Tees Valley and Newcastle Airport. Our campus is located right in the city centre, within easy reach to plenty of restaurants with good foods, great shops, an art gallery, multi screen cinema, public spaces and parks. There is plenty of affordable accommodation all within easy access to the campus.

A generous international scholarship of £1,500 discounts for all qualified students and our University subsidized housing (Starting from 55 GBP/week) makes Teesside University a very attractive option for international students! 

주한영국문화원의 영국대학강의는 

한국 학생들에게 영국의 저명한 학자들의 강의를 쉽게 접할 수 있는 기회를 제공하고자 주한영국문화원이 2008년 시작한 영국대학강의는 국제관계, 경영, 예술, 디자인, 건축, TESOL, 관광, 공학 등 다양한 주제를 심도 깊게 다루고 있어, 그동안 학생들로부터 큰 호응을 이끌어 낸 바 있습니다. 

특히 영국 유학을 계획 중인 분들께는 주한영국문화원의 영국대학강의가 유수한 영국 대학들의 강의를 미리 경험해 볼 수 있는 좋은 기회가 될 것입니다!